Our partners

The OASIS database makes research on language learning, use, and education available and accessible to a wide audience.

The Research Synthesis and Applied Linguistics (RSAL) website offers valuable resources and insights related to research synthesis and its application within the field of linguistics.
TESOL International is the largest professional organization for teachers of English as a second or foreign language. It was founded in 1966 and is based in Alexandria, Virginia, in the United States.

Multiʻōlelo is a transmedia multilingual platform aiming to curate language-related matters in multiple languages from multiple voices.

Open Applied Linguistics is an international research network (ReN) affiliated with AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics), dedicated to promoting open scholarship in applied linguistics.
A blog dedicated to English Language Teaching maintained by Jim Fuller.
An international journal published by Taylor & Francis that specialises in research syntheses in applied linguistics